Saturday, August 30, 2008

Little Trees at GRAM

Random shot...I love this side of the Art Museum.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Emma's Photos

I haven't photographed many senior portraits over my career. This has been more or less by design. I know quite well that any specialty area within photography requires your full attention...and I've mostly stuck to my established niches (architecture, advertising, editorial, fine art).

But recently I had the pleasure of photographing Emma. Her father is a good client of mine (I shoot buildings for him) and they asked if I might consider doing some outside the box shooting for Emma's senior portraits...the idea of which I found very intriguing.

Neither of us were interested in creating typical senior portraits...and we agreed we liked the idea of approaching it like a fashion shoot. Here's a sampling...Emma was great and we had a BLAST:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fashion Shoot - S.D. Drake & Company

Today I worked with Steve and Margeaux Drake. They've recently launched a men's custom clothing business and I must say the quality of the clothing I photographed was unbelievable.

It's no surprise, Margeaux is a top interior designer.  I've shot a lot wonderful projects for her over the last few years. You can see a lot of her work (and mine) here on her web site.

Here are some quick favorites from today.

more concerts coming up

We're almost ready to announce two REALLY great concerts at The Photography Room. One in November and the other is in December.

As soon as we have ticket order information up and running I'll blast out the word. But you won't want to miss either one!

Here's a look at an earlier performance last spring at The Photography Room with Glen intimate setting and not a bad seat in the house.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Evie's Birthday Party

I had a great time today shooting for fun at Evie's 3rd birthday party...she's one of Faith's good buddies.

I gave the photos a kind of old Kodachrome look...sorta dreamlike in a way.

Happy Birthday, Evie!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Stairway to Heaven

I was shooting downtown today and stumbled into these guys. They said they were temporarily homeless and living in a car. Part of our conversation went something like this:

Guitarist: Yo, photographer...can I play you "Stairway to Heaven"?

Me: Sure, play me anything you want.

Guitarist: Okay, cool.

Me: Wait...that's like an 8 minute long song...I'm not sure if I have that much time.

Guitarist: It's soooo long, dude...but I can only play the slow parts anyway.

He actually played it pretty good too!

Justice and Monroe (Starsky and Hutch)

My brother Brad was in town recently, we're working on some film projects together. One day we walked by the Justice and Monroe building in downtown GR.  Locals sometimes refer to it as the flatiron building...or even the "Blake's Turkey" building (named after the lunchtime hotspot on the 1st floor).

My brother...upon seeing the name "Justice and Monroe"...immediately conjured up a concept for a TV series.

Picture two tough Grand Rapids based private eyes...they have an office in the Justice and Monroe building. 

One guy is named...Justice.

The other guy is named...(get this)...Monroe. 

Sorta like Starsky and Hutch...or Tango and Cash.

The guys don't get along very well. Justice loves turkey sandwiches and has a serious jones for Blake's Turkey downstairs. Monroe can't stand turkey, he's a vegan and turkey makes him sick.

Ironically, Monroe (the vegan) is also the sole heir to the enormous Butterball Turkey fortune...and he lives in The Butterball Mansion.  His character is deeply conflicted and richly rooted in Grand Rapids high society.

...and then the fun ensues.

As of now the pilot has not been picked up...imagine.

Selective Focus fun

I shot this for fun a few minutes ago outside my office/gallery. I love playing with focal planes.

I never tire of the red brick streets and historic architecture of downtown GR...especially along Ionia Avenue.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

more Integrated Architecture

I had a great week shooting with Trisha Spaulding of Integrated Architecture. Here's an interior shot from the new Campbell Insurance Group building in Caledonia, MI.

This is an example of one of those pleasant accidents that sometimes come out great! The silhouettes are chatting in the board room behind frosted glass and then another employee in a red skirt rounds the staircase to compliment the red Herman Miller chairs...perfection!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Integrated Architecture - Campbell Insurance Group

On Monday I shot night exteriors of a great building designed by Integrated Architecture.  It's the new Campbell Insurance Group headquarters out in Calendonia.

The building features a curving glass wall and the interiors are full of Herman Miller classic furniture.  I get to shoot that tomorrow morning!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Custard's last stand

I may be a photographer...but my real passion is ice cream. Custard is a rare treat since it's hard to find.

As far as I know, there aren't any true custard joints left around Grand Rapids. If there is one PLEASE let me know (sorry but don't say "Culver's" might as well be a Pizza Hut in my book).

The "Custard Cup" in Danville, Illinois is iconic...pure americana...and worth the trip all by itself.

(actual custard not pictured due to over enthusiasm)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Aerial Photo Essay on Rapid Growth

Hi...I put together a photo essay of aerial images of Grand Rapids at Rapid Growth Media.  If you want to check it's the link.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

flying over Grand Rapids

My brother Brad rolling High Definition video over Grand Rapids from a helicopter...BLAST!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Workshop was a Blast!

The night photography workshop was a blast tonight...what a fun bunch of avid photographers we had along! The rain even stayed away until almost the very end.

I hope to do another workshop in late September or early October. I'll post more info soon if I can get a free date to shake loose!

The above photo was shot with a tilt/shift lens and you can distort the focal plane for some interesting results. I really enjoyed having some time to make less formal images and just play.

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sunday - Night Photography Workshop!

I'm conducting a night workshop this Sunday night from 7 PM - 11:30.

After a some basic instruction at The Photography Room, we'll head out with a small group.  There is still space available.  

The cost is $75...includes lots of one on one instruction while shooting the night skyline in downtown Grand Rapids.

Shoot me an email at if you'd like to come along and I'll send you all the details!