Sunday, September 28, 2008

Massive Pillow Fight Downtown

The Pillow Fight at Rosa Parks Circle today...very surreal.

Another reason GR is the coolest city on the planet.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 need to watch this

Willy Porter is's as if he plays guitar with 4 hands. I can't wait for his show on November 9 at The Photography Room.

Check out this video...imagine being a few feet away...and order your tickets here:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Willy Porter Concert - November 9

Wow...I've wanted Willy Porter to play at The Photography Room for about a year now and it's finally going to happen!

Here's the link to order tickets (only $20!) from Brown Paper Tickets:

Our capacity is only there isn't a bad seat in the house. Willy has a tremendous and loyal following and this is sure to be a very special evening!

Here's a video of Willy playing "Available Light".

And here is "Flying":

Friday, September 19, 2008

Park(ing) Day in Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids = Coolest City on the Planet

Thanks to my new friends Corey of Dot&Cross and Jason of KantorWassink for having some fun with me at their parking garden.

PS - click on each photo for a larger view

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

UICA Ground Breaking

UICA has officially broken ground on a new facility...with their typical artistic flair.

Feel free to suggest a caption for this photo...

Glen Phillips Concert - December 4

My wife Kathleen and I are pleased to announce that Glen Phillips is returning to Grand Rapids to perform at The Photography Room on Thursday, December 4.

Glen's show with us in April was sold's a video. I still keep bumping into people telling me how amazing his performance was (you truly had to be there).

Here's the link to order tickets. We are using a new (and better) online ticket broker and you'll will be receiving physical tickets in the mail:

See you at the won't want to miss it!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rockettes at Wealthy Street Bakery!

I'd venture a guess and say that 9 AM is not the most convenient time for a bakery to have four Radio City Rockettes, a photographer and two assistants, a public relations person, as well as the media relations person for the Rockettes drop in for a little photo shoot...

....whoops, forgot the limo driver too.

The staff at Wealthy Street Bakery were so accommodating and helpful...thanks, everyone!

And when my head wasn't completely lost in figuring out exposures and color balances, it was GREAT to listen to the reactions of customers coming in for a morning jolt of coffee.

It's not a stretch to say that everyone loves the Radio City Rockettes...

Rockettes at the Calder!

I just might have the most interesting job ever. The last few days are an example why.

Last week I shot some incredible penthouses for Rapid Growth Media published in this article.

On Tuesday I shot some INSANE window cleaners from the helipad of the JW Marriott for Rapid Growth Media...check out the article here.

On Wednesday I spent the morning shooting for the Radio City Rockettes. I just put a couple more shots up on my regular web site here.

Not a bad gig if you can get it...I'm very lucky to have such amazing clients.

Oh, and next week I'm shooting a story on skydiving in West Michigan for Rapid Growth...jeronimooooooooo!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rockettes and Yesterdog!

My many, many thanks to Bill and his management team at Yesterdog for letting me and the Rockettes completely take over this iconic Eastown eatery for a little while yesterday morning.

I doubt there was ever a better location to convey the oozing Amercana of the Radio City Rockettes...and Yesterdog!

Quick side note, I'm annoyed that Blogger desaturates photos when you upload them. They aren't nearly as vibrant as my please go ahead and IMAGINE the extra color I'm enjoying on my computer right now :)

Radio City Rockettes - 1st Photo!

I'm sifting through and editing a ton of images from this whirlwind photo shoot with the Radio City Rockettes.

We shot at 6 different locations around Grand only 2.5 hours.

Admittedly that kind of shooting pace took some years off my life, but I was honored to be given complete freedom to shoot the girls anywhere I wanted during our time together.

I made the most of it...the girls were so fantastic!

I'll post more images later...gotta get back to editing!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Is it only Wednesday?

I just read a friend's post on Facebook and her status update read "I just saw Brian Kelly at Wealthy Street Bakery with the Radio City Music Rockettes and it was only 8:45 am...weird."

When I read that I laughed out sounded like someone recounting a crazy dream they had.

"...and then...get this...Brian shows up at a bakery with the Radio City Music Rockettes..."

Yes...I admit it was me...and it wasn't a dream. 

I can, however, safely say it's been quite a surreal week...and it's only Wednesday...right?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Wind farms...soon please!

About a month ago I was driving with the family across Indiana to my grandmother's house for her 90th B-day (go Grams!)...and came upon a HUGE wind farm.  It was amazing and there were what seemed like HUNDREDS of them. Crews were actively putting up more in what were basically corn and bean fields.

I couldn't help but think we are so incredibly STUPID here in Michigan not to invest in this simple technology more aggressively.  

Why do we allow ugly cell towers everywhere but not these elegant windmills?  The foot print isn't much bigger than what a cell tower requires.

Wind is free, and renewable; there will be more wind tomorrow (I promise). Plus no one will kill anyone for it...or have to scar the earth or oceans transporting it.

Please...please...please do this now...end rant.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Six Year Wait for a Car?

If I told you had to wait six years for a car to be delivered from the factory would you believe me. Six YEARS?

I shot this new Ferrari for part of an upcoming feature for Rapid Growth. The passionate owner told me he waited 6 years for it to arrive. He was a super nice guy, but none of what I write about below has anything to do with reality. I couldn't help imagine what it's like to wait 6 years for a car.

Here's how the story unfolds by year:

Summer 2002: Place your order at an exclusive car dealership...put down enormous deposit. Salesman gives you a big hug...perhaps holding the embrace just a bit too long...then pass awkward silence by giving each other high fives.

Late 2002: Set up camp in the showroom waiting area...manage to get familiar with many of the complicated plot lines of various daytime soaps...become slightly miffed when Oprah gives 200 audience members new Pontiac's.

Early 2003: Car salesman refuses to bring you more popcorn and rips the People Magazine from your hands after you can't agree on how many times Susan Lucci has lost the Emmy. In anger you shout that Erika Kane is a horrible dresser.

Summer 2003: You leave dealership realizing the coffee is terrible anyway...make mental note of your favorite foods from vending machine...swearing never to use CoffeeMate again as long as you have strength to draw breath.

2004: Occasionally remind yourself of your purchase by making scheduled payments and looking through the brochure the dealer gave you in 2002. It's a bit tattered and sun-faded but you still manage to get a bit misty looking at your car.

2005: Begin yoga classes and breathing exercises to help pass the time. Occasionally glance longingly out the kitchen window at all the cars paired with their happy owners. On sunny mornings the sight of convertibles becomes too much to wipe a tear away but somehow manage to choke back an embarrassing snort.

2006: Take up smoking and surprise even yourself by achieving a high average of 5 packs a day. You enter smoke ring blowing tournaments and travel to Turkey to test yourself against the top competition. Then quit cold turkey 6 months later.

2007: Dealer calls and says only 18 more months to go. 

August 2008: Take delivery of 2008 Ferrari customized for you...bring home to Grand Rapids.

September 2008: Barely drive car for fear of reducing it's value...but the car is such an amazing work of art you feel entirely at peace with your six year journey.