Saturday, March 15, 2008

...oh and I shot a 5 million dollar Warhol too!

Just adding to my post below about my unusual week...I forgot to add this detail:

I was also fortunate to shoot a very special project for the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM). They needed a high resolution file to produce a replica of an extremely valuable Andy Warhol print that is part of the new Warhol exhibit that opened last night.

This truly amazing Warhol print was donated to the museum by a generous local art philanthopist. GRAM wanted to replace the original print with a replica so the owner could still enjoy their beloved Warhol in their home...a great idea and a win/win for everyone.

Unfortunately I won't post the photo here. I'll err on the side of confidentiality and not reveal the piece. I was quite impressed when told that the print is so rare that at a recent auction the same print commanded in the neighborhood of $5,000,000.

Now that's a nice neighborhood....don't you think?

And please go check out the Warhol exhibit and support GRAM. It's a major coup for the organization and an amazing exhibit!

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