Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vacation Update

On vacation and having a blast...I love Michigan summers (and taking a break too).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shooting Like Crazy!

I'm feeling pretty lucky to be so busy (really busy) over the last several months. In the last two weeks I've shot some cool projects for some pretty high profile clients.

Last week I took off with Trisha Spaulding of Integrated Architecture to document a wonderfully designed private school in Howell, Michigan. The shoot went great and I'll be shooting 4 more projects for them a little later in the summer. I've wanted to shoot for IA for a long time so this will be a LOT of fun.

And I'm currently knee deep in shooting for the Grand Rapids Community Foundation's annual report. This is a BIG project...they really go all out with their annual report photography and I was thrilled to be selected to shoot this year's report. We've already completed three shoots and have several more to go throughout July. We're taking some risks photographically (just ask my assistant Tina who was standing perilously close to edge of a tall building downtown holding a reflector...but that's why she makes the big bucks!). I'd love to post some samples here but you'll just have to wait until the AR comes out!

I'm also simultaneously working on a major project for Nucraft Furniture. Basically they've commissioned me to create large art pieces for their expanded corporate offices. I've been given free reign of their entire production area; so I get to wander around creating abstractions of all kinds of things I find. It's a major challenge but I think we're going to be able to create some very, very dynamic installations in their office...more FUN.

I'm out on vacation for a bit to recharge with my lovely family...I'll be back at it July 5. Happy America, everyone!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

GR Press Review - Karma Generator at Waterfront Film Festival

On Saturday I attended the screening of our film Karma Generator at Waterfront Film Festival. The theater was packed and it was interesting to screen it before an audience that really had no idea what they were going to see (it was paired with an excellent film called The Linguists which was shown at Sundance a few months ago).

I noticed music/film critic John Serba of The Grand Rapids Press sitting just in front of us and had a chance to say hello before the film started.  He wrote about Karma Generator on his blog this morning. Here's a link to his very favorable review.

The audience really seemed to enjoy the film.  I relished the opportunity to grab some popcorn and be a fly on the wall and watch it with my wife Kathleen right along with everyone else.

And wouldn't you know can now purchase Karma Generator!!!  The entire film is included as bonus material on Brian Vander Ark's new live concert DVD.  This is the now infamous concert that my brother Brad and I shot for BVA at Aquinas College in March of this year.  It was a 5 camera shoot and I must say it resulted in one heckuva fine concert DVD.  Brian and the band were truly inspired and the setting was incredible.  The shoot went smoothly and it's a beautiful concert film.

The best news is that the DVD is only $17...order it here...directly from Brian Vander Ark himself.  Feel free to pick up a few dozen copies!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gordon Parks - Photographer

I was asked by
On-the-Town Magazine to comment on the life and career of legendary photographer Gordon Parks.  An exhibit of his photographs is coming to the Grand Rapids Art Museum.

Parks has always been one of the top three photographers that have inspired me the most.  He was incredible man with an insatiable drive and zest for life.  Aside from shooting for LIFE Magazine and Vogue in the 1940' unthinkable achievement for a black man in a segregated society, he also directed (among others) the iconic film Shaft.

He created powerful images. And possessed equally powerful charisma.  That combination granted him access few photographers have ever enjoyed. 

Gordon Parks had a long affair with railroad heiress, socialite and fashion designer Gloria Vanderbilt.  He also shared a great friendship with Malcolm X.  That speaks volumes about the man and the worlds he was able to inhabit so freely.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Night Photography Workshop is post-poned

Good news/bad news...the bad news is that due to the storms and freaky weather I've decided to reschedule our night photography workshop for tonight.

The good news is that there will be another one soon...most likely by mid-July.  I'll be in touch with more info soon here on the blog or email me at privately if you want to be put on the info list.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Photo Shoot - CWD

Last week I shot Grand Rapids real estate titans Sam Cummings, Scott Wierda and Dan DeVos for a new real estate investment company that they formed called CWD Real Estate Investments.

I picked a nice location at the Grand Rapids Art Museum, mostly for it's texture and color.  I thought it would allow for some outside-the-box portraiture.

More photos from this shoot are now up in the People section of my web check them out!

A special thanks to Kate Washburn of Wondergem Consulting for helping to get this shoot off the ground and all the behind the scenes coordination.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Screening Times for Karma Generator

I just got the schedule.  Karma Generator will screen twice during the Waterfront Film Festival June 12-15.  It's playing each day at 11:30 am on June 14 (Sat) and June 15 (Sun).

You can find the entire film schedule here.

It's playing at Venue 3 on your maps (Saugatuck High School).  Karma Generator is paired with another fine film called The Linguists which is a documentary (feature length) that enjoys the distinction of being an official selection of the prestigious Sundance Film Festival.

Not too shabby company...

If you make it out and catch the film, please say hello.