Monday, July 21, 2008

It's a Big Lake

Lake Michigan is truly an incredible body of water. Having lived near it nearly my entire life, I sometimes forget how awe inspiring it can be.

Last month I began shooting a series of photos based in part on how BIG the lake is...and in small it has made me feel at times.

I have an idea for an exhibition of large scale prints at The Photography Room a little later this year or early next. This small blog photo won't translate the scale I plan to blow these prints up to...but I was intrigued enough to share one of them here (it pictures a very lonely sea kayaker)

...and please pardon the watermark (nothing personal :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that shot. With that boat? in the foreground, it could pass as one of those epic shots of the lone fishing vessel in on a placid waterway in SE Asia.
