Friday, October 24, 2008

The Rotunda

I had the pleasure of going with my daughter Hanna's exuberant 4th grade class to Lansing today to visit the State capitol. Although I've been to Lansing many times, I had never before been inside our Capitol Building.

It was a great tour. I was truly moved by the beauty of this building, its architecture, history and attention to detail.

I only wish our legislative and executive branches weren't so intent on polluting the process of serving the people of Michigan with personal politics and greed. The last 4 years have been an embarrassment to all that work inside this building...they've filled it full of gridlock and grand standing.

Shame on them...they don't deserve such a nice office.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool picture!

    I've never been to the Capitol building but my son is going this week with his 4th grade class. Must be the 4th grade thing to do!

    I saw you posted about the pillow fight. Next up...Zombies! I'm tempted to put on some zombie make up and tattered clothes and bring all 6 of us downtown to join the fun!
