Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Finding Danny Glover - Finding Clay

A couple of months ago, I needed a model for an advertising shoot for book publishing giant Zondervan. Their ad agency at Extra Credit Projects requested a model fitting a "Danny Glover type, black male, 50's with a grey peppered beard."

The shoot was on a tight timeline and we needed someone quickly. I reached out to my social media contacts on Facebook and Twitter and posted this photo of Danny Glover and asked if anyone knew of someone fitting the bill to contact me right away:
Within 5 minutes my friend Aaron over at Creo Productions emailed me the cell phone number of Clay...a guy who lived near their offices on Division Avenue.

I called Clay immediately on my way to another shoot. I explained I needed a model but had to get agency approval asap. He said he was eating pizza at Georgio's Pizza downtown and that I was welcome to drop in. I was only a few blocks from there. Within seconds I'd taken a quick iPhone shot and emailed it off to Extra Credit Projects for approval. Here's that iPhone shot:
Clay was approved right away...and we shot him a couple of days later. Clay's a very sweet man, an amazing poet and a bright light living in the resurging neighborhood of Heartside. Here's one of the shots that was submitted for the Zondervan advertisement. Don't underestimate the willingness of your social media contacts to help you when you need it most!


  1. Hello Brain, this is a nice shot of my brother Clay; thanks for finding him and letting the world know what a great Poet he is. Danny move over we've found your double-:0

  2. Great portrait, Brian :) It's great to read the story behind how you acquired the subject for your shoot. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hello Brian this is Clay's sis just admiring your work once more
