Monday, March 31, 2008

Next week - all music at The Photography Room

Well, next week is huge for The Photography Room as a (very) small concert venue.  We prefer to call it a "listening room"...a place for great performers to play in an intimate and unique environment.

We start off with a huge bang on Tuesday, April 8.  I can't believe this guy is dropping into downtown Grand Rapids to play our gallery.  I'm talking about Glen Phillips, a very established performer with three critically acclaimed solo albums to his credit. 

Glen is formerly the lead singer of Toad the Wet Sprocket.  Unless you were living under a rock or on an extended Peace Corp assignment in the 90's, you know (and probably loved) Toad. If you don't have tickets already, better hurry and order tickets on this link.  There's only about a dozen left!

Then on Thursday, April 10, I'm very pleased to welcome a great band out of my brother's neck of the woods (Cambridge, MA)...The Ryan Montbleau Band. Unfamiliar with them you say??  Just check out their music here.  

They are a band that is emerging very, very quickly due in part to their tireless road schedule. They are going to be appearing in studio on WYCE (88.1) with host Pete Bruinsma on Thursday, April 10 at 4:20 PM to promote the show at The Photography Room.  Thanks, Pete!

Even if you are unfamiliar with their music I'd encourage you to come see a band that could break out big...and soon!  Tickets are only $12 via this link (yep, you read that right...only $12!)

So off with a bang we go...hope you can be there to join us.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Lux Land Concert - Saturday, May 17

I'm very pleased to announce that Lux Land will be returning to The Photography Room for her third performance in our gallery. Her last show with us was about a year ago and that, quite frankly, is way too long to wait to see Lux. Her last concert was a smash success.

Tickets for the show on Saturday, May 17 are just $12 and available via this link. Better order soon, Lux has a wonderful fan base that grows exponentially with every gig she plays. Only 120 seats available!

For the record, I did not take the photograph above (I'm still working on forgiving her). But I do love the image...just beautiful. I can't help but wonder what she's writing about (perhaps a journal entry on how happy she was with how the shoot was going?)

But I digress...see you all on May 17!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Waterfront Film Festival - We've Entered!!

Since last Saturday's concert and film screening, I must have had at least 20 people tell me that we should submit the film into festivals. The thought had crossed my mind as we were putting the final touches on the film, but I was too close to the project to really take it seriously. But after so much positive feedback I took the next step.

Today I officially entered Karma Generator for consideration into my favorite festival; the Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck, Michigan. This film festival has been gaining more and more notoriety every single year. Now in it's 10th year, it was recently voted in the Top 5 favorite film festivals in the WORLD by Screen Actors Guild Magazine. Waterfront is in good company, among the other 4 festivals listed is a little festival in France called Cannes as well as another up and coming festival called Sundance in!

It was a bit surreal dropping off the submission. For now I'm keeping my expectations low but I couldn't help but think how cool it would be if our little film project actually got into the festival!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Karma Generator - Concert Wrap-up

Well, it's been a very interesting 5 month journey we've had with Brian Vander Ark and making the film Karma Generator. That journey concluded last night with a sold-out screening of the film and a blistering performance by BVA in front of a warm and appreciative audience of 400+ at Aquinas College's Performing Arts Theater. What a great venue!

Last November, my brother Brad and I loaded in some gear and headed down to North Carolina where BVA was recording in the home studio of producer Bill Szymczyk. Brad and I both didn't have much time...busy work commitments back home wouldn't allow us to stay very long. Our plans were humble, simply to grab enough footage to produce a 2-3 minute video to help promote BVA's album when it came out.

But we managed to get some great interview content...and my brother is the king of killer b-roll. So last night we screened our (now considerbly more ambitious) 25 minute Karma Generator on an amazing 16' x 9' wide screen...that's FEET people!

Somebody pinch me...

My email has been burning up today with well-wishes, wonderful comments about the film as well as the concert that Brian and his band put on. It's hard to describe what a passionate and polished performer Brian Vander Ark is...if you've seen him live you'll know exactly what I mean.

Oh...Brad and I also shot the whole concert performance for a future DVD release...

A new journey begins...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tickets nearly gone - Brian Vander Ark concert

Just a quick post to give you a head's up. The Brian Vander Ark concert and film screening of Karma Generator is nearly sold out. There are only 48 tickets left as of now...

I don't expect them to last too much longer. BVA and I are appearing on The Kevin Matthews Show on WLAV this Thursday morning plus the WYCE interview for Local Resonance is airing on Friday morning.

Follow this link to order tickets online...

This concert is a major production and BVA is pulling out all the stops. We're filming the concert for a future concert DVD release so it's going to be a GREAT show!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

...oh and I shot a 5 million dollar Warhol too!

Just adding to my post below about my unusual week...I forgot to add this detail:

I was also fortunate to shoot a very special project for the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM). They needed a high resolution file to produce a replica of an extremely valuable Andy Warhol print that is part of the new Warhol exhibit that opened last night.

This truly amazing Warhol print was donated to the museum by a generous local art philanthopist. GRAM wanted to replace the original print with a replica so the owner could still enjoy their beloved Warhol in their home...a great idea and a win/win for everyone.

Unfortunately I won't post the photo here. I'll err on the side of confidentiality and not reveal the piece. I was quite impressed when told that the print is so rare that at a recent auction the same print commanded in the neighborhood of $5,000,000.

Now that's a nice neighborhood....don't you think?

And please go check out the Warhol exhibit and support GRAM. It's a major coup for the organization and an amazing exhibit!

The Fonz, Radio Interviews and Chaplow

It's been an extremely busy week and a bit unusual. I taped two in depth radio interviews this week with Brian Vander Ark to promote our film Karma Generator that is screening before the BVA concert on March 22 at Aquinas I had a busy week of shooting for various clients.

The first show we taped was for a fantastic program on WCYE (88.1) called Local Resonance with host Kevin Murphy. It will air Friday, March 21 at 11 am (you can stream it online if you're not in tune in!) . BVA played two songs from the new album and we all chatted about the film and what went into it. We taped the interview at Michael Crittenden's Mackinaw Harvest Studios right here in GR...that's an amazing studio complete with fireplaces and a lodge-like interior. It was good to meet Michael as I've been a fan of his band Troll for Trout...not often does it take a decade to bump into another artist right here in good ol' GR but in Michael's case it did.

The second interview was with Shelley Irwin on WGVU radio (88.5). Shelley hosts a great morning program that airs weekdays at 9 am (I'll find out exactly what day we're on). Shelley just won her 5th consecutive Gracie Award which is a national award for broadcasting excellence in public radio (I believe). She's a pro...very insightful and smooth. It seemed like we chatted for 20 minutes or so and BVA played two acoustic songs.

Rounding out the week for me was hanging out with Henry Winkler (The Fonz, baby!). He was an inspiring and very genuine guy. Mr. Winkler was helping to raise money for teaching scholarships at Aquinas College and I was documenting his visit for the college. And no...I didn't give him a thumbs up or ask him to jump a shark tank with his motorcycle...although that would have been frickin' sweet.

I also shot an absolutely beautiful home on Reeds Lake with uber-hot interior designer Kathryn Chaplow. Her work is gaining national recognition and she's had her homes featured in national magazines (even a cover spread in Home!)

Quite a week...I wonder what's in store for next week?

Monday, March 10, 2008

New photos...good stuff!

Hey...just a quick post to mention to check out my main photography site:

I added new photos in a couple of sections from a very cool shoot I did for the Downtown Alliance last week (I'll post an entry on this shoot when I get caught up!) well as a quick photo I did of Henry Winkler at Aquinas College. Yep...I'm talkin' The Fonz!!!

So check out the Architecture, Fashion, People and Lifestyle sections....see if you can tell what's new!